Life Science

Are you fascinated by how organisms function and love doing hands-on research in a lab? Perhaps you want to study how species come into existence. Are you curious about the interactions between systems of a cell, and how they are regulated? Do you want to learn about emerging global diseases or maybe how heredity defines the individual — and entire populations? Do you want to turn your passions into a pre-med degree? Then you’ll want to check out the majors in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. And start embarking on the adventure that’s, well, in your genes.
See the latest technology used in surgery at top-ranking hospitals. Imagine working side by side with a faculty member to see if it were possible to grow food on another planet. Share excitement about how the laboratory plays an integral part in industry with high school students. These are just a couple of the adventures you can have in and out of the classrooms at Iowa State.
Majors in this interest area include biology, biochemistry, microbiology, and genetics. But life science serves as a foundation for several other areas. Be sure to check out the full list of College of Agriculture and Life Sciences majors.