You Belong Here

You Belong Here

girl taking photo of tree on campus in the fall

Something for every Cyclone

Iowa State is a big university with a close-knit, caring community that provides access to resources that support and enrich your learning, working, and living experience.

Principles of Community

Developed through a Student Government-led effort that began in 2005, the Principles of Community are the foundation for cultivating a welcoming and engaging environment at Iowa State University.

Principles of Community

It's not about what awards or titles you win, but how you can truly make a difference in any way, at any level.
Kelsey Henderson, '24 agricultural business
Students on sidewalks ISU campus

Cyclone Support

We are here for our students. Whether you need help inside or outside the classroom, get the resources you need with Cyclone Support.

Explore your interests and make connections with more than 800 student clubs, learning communities, and organizations to choose from.