Satellite Campuses

Satellite Campuses

ISU Uganda program

ISU-Uganda Program

Uganda holds a special place in the hearts of Iowa Staters and Global Resource Systems majors. The Iowa State University – Uganda Program is part of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and partners with citizens and institutions in Kamuli and Kampala, Uganda, and Makerere University. Our faculty, staff and students work alongside Ugandans to improve education, nutritional food security and income stability.

Learn more about the Uganda Program

EARTH Program

EARTH Program

Through the EARTH Program, Iowa State students travel to the island of St. John for a summer or an entire semester to work, live and help in the community. They assist with school gardens and help grow local fruits and vegetables sustainably. Service-learners have the chance to help teachers in culinary arts and environmental science classes and create learning opportunities for school children. They also learn about the lives of U.S. Virgin Islanders and what it means to protect beautiful ecosystems.

Learn about the EARTH Program

Conservation camp

Rod and Connie French Conservation Camp

The Rod and Connie French Conservation Education Camp was established through a donation by Rod and Connie French to Iowa State University. The facility is operated by Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management as a space for hands-on field education in forestry, fisheries and wildlife. The French Camp is situated in the Fish Creek valley, approximately 50 minutes west of Missoula, Montana.

Learn about the French Conservation Camp