Math, Statistics, and Physical Sciences


The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences requires 3.0 crs of math, 3.0 credits of statistics, and 5.0 credits of physical sciences.  Courses that can be used to fulfill these requirements are listed below. 

Note:  other, higher-level courses can in many cases be used to fulfill these requirements -- please contact your advisor if you have any questions.


The following courses can be used to fulfill the CALS math requirement.

Note:  3.0 credits are required to meet the math requirement.  

  • MATH 140, 143, 145, 150, 151, 160, 165, 166, 265, and 266 


The following courses can be used to fulfill the CALS statistics requirement.

Note:  3.0 credits are required to meet the statistics requirement.  

  • STAT 101, 104, 201, 226, 301, and 326
  • BBMB 411

Physical Sciences

The following courses can be used to fulfill the CALS physical sciences requirement.

Note:  5.0 credits are required to meet the physical sciences requirement.  

  • AGRON 140, 160, 206
  • ASTRO 102, 103
  • CHEM 163, 163L, 167, 167L, 177, 177L, 178, 178L, 201, 201L, 231, 231L, 331, 331L, 332, 332L
  • ENV S 101, 108, 111, 140, 160
  • GEOL 100, 100L, 101, 102, 105, 108, 111, 140, 160, 201
  • MTEOR 107, 140, 160, 206
  • PHYS 115, 115L, 131, 131L, 132, 132L, 231, 231L, 232, 232L