
ATLaSATLaS - Asset Tracking and Lookup System

ISU faculty and staff can now locate research equipment Iowa State University owns through ATLaS

The first page will display the Power BI logo that requires sign-in. You will not be prompted to sign in if you are already logged into OKTA.

Power BI Login

Click the green Sign-In button to continue. 

Enter or select your ISU netID. Follow the prompts, and you will be logged into the system.

Microsoft Screenshot 

This system is designed to aid researchers seeking specific research equipment that ISU may already own and maybe underutilized or shared. It's easy to find equipment and contact the person assigned to it to inquire about its status. The welcome screen has the information and links on how to move or reassign an asset to another ISU employee or update its location if the information is incorrect.

Office of Biotechnology

The Office of Biotechnology’s Core Facilities provide researchers with state-of-the-art instrumentation and expert support to push the boundaries of knowledge and innovation. The core facilities serve as a resource to the Iowa State University community and researchers across the globe, helping to advance scientific discovery.