Departmental Representative
The Curriculum Committee is responsible for reviewing and approving undergraduate and graduate courses (including experimental courses), programs and curricula. The committee also considers other pertinent matters related to curriculum and makes recommendations to the faculty. Recommended changes in programs or curricula that are considered major may be submitted to the College faculty for final approval. Changes in the University Catalog will also be submitted to the faculty for approval.
The College's Student Outcomes Assessment Committee (SOAC) operates as subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee. The SOAC meets independent of the Curriculum Committee and provides an annual report to it concerning the student outcomes assessed in the previous year, the results of that assessment and makes recommendations on changes needed to continually improve student achievement of the College's core student outcomes. The SOAC also makes recommendations concerning potential changes needed in the College's core outcomes.
Committee Composition and Operations
The Curriculum Committee has one voting member from each department and one voting member from each interdepartmental undergraduate program administered within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. When the term expires for a representative, or a vacancy arises, the individual department's (or interdepartmental program's) governance document will specify procedures for replacement. A representative typically serves one four-year term. Half of the members will rotate off the committee every two years. One undergraduate student, selected by the Agriculture and Life Sciences Student Council, serves a one-year term.
The committee Chair will be selected by the committee members and will serve a two year term, renewable for one additional term. If the chair is selected from among the committee membership, a new representative will be chosen to replace the Chair as departmental (or advisory committee) representative. The Chair will not serve as a departmental representative to the Curriculum Committee and will only vote in order to break a tie. The Chair will serve as the College representative to the faculty Senate Curriculum Committee. A Vice Chair will be chosen from among the committee membership and will typically serve as the College representative to the graduate College Curriculum and Catalog Committee. The Associate Dean for Academic and Global programs, Director of Student Services and at least one departmental representative are also members of the College Student Outcomes Assessment Committee.
- Tom Brumm, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (chair)
- Carmen Bain, CALS administration
- Michael Boyd, CALS Student Services
- Terri Boylston, Food Science and Human Nutrition
- William Crumpton, Environmental Science
- Karri Haen, Genetics, Development and Cell Biology
- Cindy Haynes, Horticulture
- Steven Lonergan, Animal Science
- Gretchen Mosher, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
- Gail Nonnecke, Global Resource Systems
- David Peters, Sociology and Criminal Justice
- Nicholas Peters, Plant Pathology, Entomology and Microbiology
- David Ross, CALS Student Services
- Scott Smalley, Agricultural Education and Studies
- Timothy Stewart, Natural Resource Ecology and Management
- Howard Tyler, CALS administration
- Rob Wallace, Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology
- Darin Wohlgemuth, Economics
- Olga Zabotina, Roy J. Carver Department of Biochemistry, Biophysiscs, and Molecular Biology
Meeting dates and times
Contact your departmental representative for dates, times, and locations for each semester.