College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Online
Jan. 16, 2017
Top Stories
CALS Study Abroad By the Numbers
CALS students have visited 72 countries since 2009. Eleven students will be spending their spring 2017 semester at partner institutions across the globe: the American Farm School in Thessaloniki, Greece, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, Austria; the University College Dublin in Ireland; and the EARTH Program in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Report Highlights Progress and Long-term Challenges of Stream Nutrient Monitoring
A 2016 report of Iowa’s water monitoring efforts for nutrients highlights both the complexity and long-term value of evaluating nutrient levels in Iowa’s lakes, streams and rivers.
Developed jointly by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and Iowa Department of Natural Resources, with the support of ISU and the University of Iowa IIHR—Hydroscience and Engineering Center, the report is the first of its kind in Iowa and includes a comprehensive list of surface water monitoring efforts specific to nutrients. More
CARD Research Cited in New USDA Report on Ethanol and Greenhouse Gases
Research by the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development is cited in a report released Jan. 12 by USDA, A Life-Cycle Analysis of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Corn-Based Ethanol. Analysis finds that U.S. corn-based ethanol reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 43 percent compared to gasoline, with additional benefits projected through 2022.
Eight EEOB Faculty Earn Multiple NSF Awards in 2016
Research in the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology has been garnering a lot of attention – and support – from the National Science Foundation this past year. In 2016, eight faculty received grants from the NSF to support their research in evolutionary biology. More
Study Reports Improved Yields Following Cereal Rye
Cereal rye cover crops added to a corn-soybean rotation have little to no negative effect on yield and actually increased soybean yields in seven site-years and corn yield in two-site years, according to an eight-year study conducted by the Iowa Learning Farms and Practical Farmers of Iowa. More
Teaching and Students
Animal Science Doctoral Student Receives Award
Trey Kellner, doctoral student in animal science, will receive the Stahly/Peo Outstanding Swine Nutrition Graduate Student Award from the American Association of Animal Science this spring at the Midwest ASAS Sectional Meeting in Omaha. Kellner, who is part of John Patience’s applied swine nutrition program, is conducting research to predict the energy value of dietary fat sources more accurately based on chemical composition. Results may help producers to economically value the impact dietary fat has on feed and caloric efficiency, and to predict the carcass iodine value of pork fat based on dietary fatty acid concentration. The Stahly/Peo award is named in memory of Tim Stahly, who was on ISU’s animal science faculty, and Ernest Peo, Jr., who earned his PhD in swine nutrition at ISU.
Extension and Outreach
Hodgson Releases Soybean Aphid Recommendations Based on 2016 Field Trials
The 2016 Yellow Book for Soybean Aphid is now available as a free download through the Extension Store. The publication provides soybean aphid treatment recommendations and application rates based on 2016 research conducted at ISU Research and Demonstration Farms. The report also includes insecticide effectiveness on soybean aphid and yield, and information on the soybean aphid life cycle and scouting methods. Erin Hodgson, entomology and extension specialist, is the author. More
Entomology Surveillance Shows No Zika-associated Mosquitoes Found in State
Systematic mosquito surveillance conducted by CALS entomologists last year found no evidence that the two species most associated with Zika virus have established themselves in the state. Ryan Smith, entomology, said the West Nile Virus, however, appeared more frequently in 2016 than it did in 2015. More
Hall Returns to Extension as Dairy Specialist
Fred M. Hall, an ISU graduate, is returning to the university as a dairy specialist. He will cover the northwest portion of the state with his office based out of Sioux County. More
Around the College
Dairy Farm Receives Milk Quality Award
The ISU Dairy Farm received the Milk Quality Award from Swiss Valley for 28 years of quality milk. The Dairy Farm has more than 800 cows. Almost 25,000 pounds of milk is produced in a day and then transported to Swiss Valley where it is subcontracted out to other processors.
Two Geoffroy Residence Hall Houses Named for CALS Alums
ISU’s newest residence hall opened for students at the beginning of January. Geoffroy Hall, named for former ISU president Gregory Geoffroy, includes 14 houses named for influential Iowa State faculty, staff and alumni, several of which are affiliated with CALS. Lauro Cavazos (’54 PhD genetics) is the former U.S. Secretary of Education and president of Texas Tech University. He now serves as professor of public health and community medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine. Larry Ebbers (’62 ag and life sciences education, ’68 MS, ’71 PhD education) is an emeritus University Professor in the ISU School of Education and former coordinator of ISU residence life. More ISU will host an open house and public tours of Geoffroy Hall from 9 to 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 18. More
Feb. 16-17: Soil Health Conference
The second annual Soil Health Conference will be held Feb. 16-17 in Ames. More than 33 speakers from academia, USDA, agriculture industry, farmers, students and the private sector will present throughout the two-day conference. Mahdi Al-Kaisi, agronomy and conference chair, said the goal of this year’s conference “is to focus on management practices that influence soil health, sustain productivity and reduce agriculture’s footprint on the environment.”
Funding Opportunities
Bailey Research Career Development Award, Proposals Due Jan. 31
Sponsored by an estate gift from Carl A. and Grace A. Bailey, one Bailey Research Career Development Award is provided annually to a faculty member whose research is innovative, increases knowledge and has practical applications. The award allows the faculty member to devote time toward high-risk, high-impact research addressing emerging scientific, technical and/or societal problems resulting in practical applications and extramural funding. All full-time tenured associate professors and professors may apply. Colleges select one proposal each to submit to the Office of the VPR. Applicants whose primary appointment is in CALS should submit their proposal electronically to Joe Colletti ( by Jan. 31.
Integrated Biorefinery Optimization Program, Concept Papers Due Feb. 6
The U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Department of Agriculture have released a joint funding opportunity to support integrated biorefinery optimization. Projects are sought that focus on challenges encountered with the successful scale-up and reliable continuous operation of integrated biorefineries for the manufacture of advanced or cellulosic biofuels and associated higher value bioproducts, and on reducing risks and providing resources to accelerate commercialization of biofuels and bioproducts. Concept papers are due Feb. 6. More
Mitigating Climate Change by Expanding the Use of Compost
The Rathmann Innovation Center has launched the 2017 Rathmann Challenge, focused on mitigating climate change by expanding the use of compost. The awardee of the challenge will receive a $100,000 grant and will be eligible to apply for an Even Bigger Idea® grant of $200,000. The application window will close on March 29 or when 200 qualified applications have been received, whichever comes first. Proposals to this challenge should be submitted through OSPA. More
USAID and Private Sector Partnerships, Call for Concept Papers
The U.S. Agency for International Development’s Global Development Alliance Program invites concept papers from the private sector and organizations interested in working closely with the private sector to achieve significant and sustainable development results and impact. Funding for proposed alliances would be requested from the USAID mission, bureau or independent office with which the prospective alliance partners seek to collaborate. A one-to-one private sector resource match is required. The invitation for concept papers closes Feb. 23, 2018. More
NSF Proposals Award Policies and Procedures Guide Update, Jan. 19
The National Science Foundation will host a webinar to provide an overview of significant changes and clarifications to the NSF Proposals Award Policies and Procedures Guide that will take effect on Jan. 30. The PAPPG details NSF's proposal preparation and submission guidelines, and provides guidance on managing and monitoring the award and administration of grants and cooperative agreements made by the Foundation. The webinar is scheduled for Jan. 19, 2 to 3:30 p.m. (Central time). More
Funding Information, Opportunities and Deadline Reminders
Dates listed are application deadlines. Contact: Roxanne Clemens, Additional information is posted at CALS Pre-Award Resources.
Feb. 2: DOI BLM FY2017 Bureau-wide National Conservation Lands Scientific Studies Support Program; $25,000. More
Feb. 7 (pre-application): DOE Subsurface Biogeochemical Research; $600,000 for three years. More
Feb. 8: DOE Biodegradable Composites with Embedded Seeds for Training Ammunition, Small Business Innovation Research Program; lead organization must qualify as small business.
Feb. 15: USDA NIFA AgrAbility - Assistive Technology Program for Farmers with Disabilities; $180,000 per year for four years, requires subcontract with disability organization. More
Mar. 10: USDA Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12 Classroom Challenge Grants (SPECA). More
Mar. 27: USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program; $500,000. More
Mar. 27: USDA Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program; $200,000 for three years, 1:1 match required. More
Mar. 27: USDA Local Food Promotion Program; $100,000 for planning grants, $500,000 for implementation grants, 25 percent cost share required. More
Mar. 30: DOC NIST Small Business Innovation Research Program, Phase I; primary employment of PI must be small business. More
Apr. 3: IDALS Specialty Crop Block Grant Program 2017; $24,000 for 30 months. More
Apr. 21 (pre-proposal): USDA NRCS Regional Conservation Partnership Program.
EPA Addresses Sustainable Management of Food
The Environmental Protection Agency’s Food Recovery Hierarchy is a type of food pyramid that prioritizes actions organizations can take to prevent and divert wasted food – source reduction, feed hungry people, feed animals, industrial uses, composting, landfill/incineration. The top levels of the hierarchy are the best ways to prevent and divert wasted food because they create the most benefits for the environment, society and the economy. More
Parks Library to Establish Avian Archives
ISU received a 2016 Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives Award, a program of the Council on Library Information Resources. With this $188,825 award, the library will establish the Avian Archives of Iowa Online, which will be a portal for digital Iowa ornithological primary sources dating from 1895 to 2012. The collections selected for the project document more than 100 years of bird study in Iowa.
Sleep Tight Farm: AFBF Foundation Book of the Year
The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture presented its 10th Book of the Year award to Eugenie Doyle for “Sleep Tight Farm.” The foundation has identified nearly 500 books for children, teenagers and adults that it believes accurately cover agricultural topics. The Accurate Ag Books database is available online.
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Online
Julie Stewart, Editor, (515) 294-5616
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Online, the newsletter for faculty and staff in Iowa State University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, is published by email every Monday. The deadline for submitting content is 12 p.m. on Friday.