Issue: 640

Ag and Life Sciences Online

The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Newsletter
Iowa State University
Feb. 28, 2011 No. 640

College News

Under Secretary Catherine Woteki to Present Seminar March 2
Cathie Woteki, Under Secretary for USDA's Research, Education and Economics mission area and USDA Chief Scientist, will present "Why Agricultural Science Matters" on Wednesday, March 2, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the CCUR Technology Transfer Theater, Room 1951 Food Sciences Building. All faculty, staff and students are invited to attend this informal discussion and Q&A session. Light refreshments will be provided. Contact: Roxy Clemens, Woteki also is presenting the keynote address at the ISU Climate Science Program on March 1. Woteki was dean of the college from 2002 to 2005.

Dean Receives Stewardship and Sustainability Award
Last week, the Phoenix Agricultural Club presented the Stewardship and Sustainability Award to Dean Wendy Wintersteen, in recognition of her continued support of research, development and marketing efforts designed to improve agricultural productivity and efficient food production. Ted Axland, 1955 agronomy alum, formed the Phoenix Agricultural Club in Arizona. Many of the 150 members have Midwestern roots and worked in the agriculture industry.

Ag Innovation and Value Creation Competition Tonight
The Agricultural Entrepreneurship Initiative's Third Annual Ag Innovation and Value Creation Competition is tonight, Feb. 28, at 5 p.m. in the Curtiss Hall Auditorium. Hear from student teams as they address a need or opportunity in the agricultural sector by creating value from an ordinary, everyday object. Refreshments and networking will follow the student presentations.

Parents' Postcard Campaign Wins Addy Award
The Parents' Postcard Campaign coordinated through the CALS student services office and designed by ZLR IGNITION, received a gold ADDY award from the American Advertising Federation of Des Moines on Feb. 19. Judges from around the country were brought in to review nearly 300 creative pieces. Entries receiving a gold ADDY are automatically forwarded to the district level competition. More

Animal Science Student Earns Academic All-Big 12 Honor
Marley Dobyns, a sophomore in animal science from Ames, received first-team honors on the 2011 Academic All-Big 12 swimming and diving team. To be eligible for the first team, a student-athlete must have a 3.2 grade point average and have competed in 60 percent of the team's contests.

Harrisvaccines Receives Entrepreneurial Award
Harrisvaccines Inc. received the Tibbetts award from the Small Business Administration for its technological innovation, entrepreneurship and economic impact. The company received the award for its leadership in the development, production and marketing of a vaccine manufacturing process to improve the health of swine, cattle and farmed shrimp. Hank Harris, professor of animal science and veterinary diagnostic and production animal medicine, is president of Harrisvaccines Inc.

Oliver Named Interim Dean of College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
David Oliver, associate dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, has been named interim dean effective July 1. He will succeed Dean Michael Whiteford, who will retire on June 30. Oliver joined the faculty in 1996 as chair of the botany department, now part of the Department of Genetics, Development and Cell Biology. More

Early Registration for Egg Industry Issues Forum Ends March 1
Early registration closes on March 1 for the Egg Industry Issues Forum on April 7 in Columbus, Ohio.

Cover Crops Workshop to Be Held in Spencer, March 10
Iowa Learning Farms and Practical Farmers of Iowa will co-host a workshop focusing on cover crops at the Clay County Regional Events Center in Spencer on March 10, 9:30 a.m. to noon, with a free lunch following. The workshop is free.

Leopold Center Funds 10 Grants for New 2011 Projects
The Leopold Center has awarded grants for 19 new projects. The projects include research on prairie strips to hold nutrients and biochar to improve soil quality; year-round use of high tunnels for food production; and development of resources for immigrant and minority populations who want to farm in Iowa. More

Training Scheduled to Meet New Requirement to Sell Morel Mushrooms
ISU has scheduled a series of certification workshops in April for people who want to sell morel mushrooms. The workshops fulfill a new requirement for anyone wanting to legally sell morels in Iowa. Mark Gleason, plant pathology, is conducting the workshops on identifying morels and false morels. Certification lasts for three years.

Business Incubator Program Supports Undergrad Entrepreneurs
Undergraduate students in CALS have an opportunity to develop their business ideas through the Agricultural Entrepreneurship Initiatives' Student Incubator. The new program will help students develop a solid business plan for revenue-generating or investment-ready firms by accelerating the process of idea creation, business development and planning.

"I'm an Agronomist" Campaign Highlighted by Journal
An article highlighting the effectiveness of marketing and branding the agronomy major at ISU was published in the Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education. Former agronomy personnel member Brad Miller wrote the article. A synopsis of the article is in the March 2011 edition of CSA News, the official magazine for members of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America. More

Winter 2011 Food Safety Consortium Newsletter Available Online
The Winter 2011 edition of the Food Safety Consortium Newsletter is now online and available to download. One article details an effort to improve animal health and food safety, where Chris Tuggle, animal science, and colleagues at ISU are finding new ways to identify animals harboring salmonella.

Deadlines and Reminders
March 1-4: Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop
April 1: Application deadline for CALS P&S Exceptional Performance Pay requests
April 19-20: BIGMAP Symposium

External Funding

Liquid Office Server to Restart Every Morning
OSPA has announced that, effective immediately, the Liquid Office server will be scheduled to restart every morning at 5:30 a.m. The Liquid Office (GoldSheet) system will be off-line and unavailable for a few minutes during this time.

NIH NIAID Announces Feb. 2011 New Concepts, Potential Opportunities
The February 2011 concepts represent early planning stages for NIH NIAID program announcements, requests for applications, and solicitations. Approval of a concept does not guarantee it will become an initiative, but concepts reveal possible initiatives and provide ideas for investigator-initiated applications.

Funding Information, Opportunities and Deadline Reminders
Dates listed are application deadlines. Contact: Roxanne Clemens,

March 25: American Water 2011 Environmental Grant Program; $10,000. More

March 28: Dimensions of Biodiversity. More

April 5: Lab to Marketplace: Tools for Brain and Behavioral Research (SBIR [R43/R44]). More

April 11: Cooperative Training Partnership in Environmental Sciences Research; five awards, $120,000 to $5 million.

April 25: Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant; $500,000.

May 6: DOI Regional Climate Science Center; three awards up to $4 million each.

May 24: Research Coordination Networks -- Science, Engineering, and Education for Sustainability; 15 to 25 awards. More

Communications Kiosk

Persuade vs. Convince
"Persuade" is associated with actions (persuade him to buy a suit).
"Convince" is associated with beliefs or understandings (she convinced the auditor of her honesty).
Both verbs will take a "that"-clause. The committee was "persuaded that" an all-night session was necessary. My three-year-old is "convinced that" Santa Claus exists.
The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed., 2003.


Jane Smiley to Speak on Atanasoff Biography, March 3
Pulitzer prize-winning author and former ISU faculty member Jane Smiley will be speaking at ISU on Thursday, March 3, at 8 p.m. in the Memorial Union Great Hall. She will talk about her most recent nonfiction book, "The Man Who Invented the Computer: The Biography of John Atanasoff, Digital Pioneer." Atanasoff, an ISU physics professor, invented the first electronic digital computer in the basement of Physics Hall. More

Volunteer for VEISHEA Service Day, March 26
Organizers are now accepting volunteer registrations for Stash the Trash and Veishea Service Day on March 26, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. University volunteers will team up with other community organizations to help clean up area parks and Campustown, and assist with projects at the Octagon Center for the Arts, Ballard Community Clothing Pantry, Ames Girls Softball Association and Heartland Senior Services. All volunteers receive a free lunch and free admission to Reiman Gardens.

Women's Leadership Confernece, April 15
The Iowa Network for Women in Higher Education is sponsoring a Women's Leadership Conference on April 15 at the University of Northern Iowa.

VISIONS Magazine Looking for War Veterans
VISIONS magazine is looking for Iowa State alumni to feature in an upcoming issue. If you or someone you know is a veteran living in the state of Iowa who fought in World War II, Vietnam, recent conflicts or has had any other military service, please contact VISIONS editor Carole Gieseke at

Economic Research Service Launching New Series of Charts
USDA's Economic Research Service is launching a new service to bring timely information on issues involving food, farming, natural resources and rural development to clients on the go. "Charts of Note" is a daily e-mail from ERS, distributed Monday through Friday, that highlights charts of interest from current and past research. View the gallery of charts and subscribe to the service.

Internal Voices

Kimle on New Student Incubator Program
"The idea of the Student Incubator is to assist our student entrepreneurs in the earliest stages of business development. This is an opportunity to leverage the unique environment of Iowa State University such that students can create and communicate more complete business plans, launch their ventures sooner and realize a higher degree of success over the long term." Kevin Kimle, director of the Agricultural Entrepreneurship Initiative, on the new Student Incubator program.

External Voices

SowBridge Subscriber Says Program Adds Value to Operation
"As a smaller independent producer, I think this is the best way to help myself and my sow manager learn new things without having to leave the farm. SowBridge provides quality continuing education for my operation without the time and expense of traveling to meetings." Greg Carlson, Iowa pork producer, has subscribed for two years to the distance education series SowBridge, coordinated by the Iowa Pork Industry Center.


Aldo Leopold Documentary Film Shown March 6 and 7
Curt Meine's documentary film about Aldo Leopold, "Green Fire," will be shown for the first time in Iowa during "Ames Reads Leopold" on March 6, 1 to 4:30 p.m., Ames Public Library. The event is co-sponsored by the Leopold Center and NREM. More. The second screening will be March 7 during the Iowa Water Conference. The evening plenary session, which is open to the public, will begin at 5 p.m. in Benton Auditorium. Leopold biographer Curt Meine will present "Listening to the Song of the River: Aldo Leopold, Watershed Management and the Land Ethic," followed by the "Green Fire" documentary. A reception with hors d'oeuvres, cash bar and entertainment will follow the film presentation.

Social Media Luring Academics
Social media have become serious academic tools for many scholars, according to a study just posted online called "Social Media and Research Workflow." David Nicholas, director of the Ciber research group at University College London that conducted the survey, says that good papers increasingly turn up in social-media networks, and that some scholars are even beginning to question peer review. Nicholas has heard rumors of scholarly revolution. Participants say social media are "being used as an alternative to the existing system by young researchers who feel frustrated" by the tight control that senior scholars and traditional publishers have over the selection and dissemination of research. More

Ag and Life Sciences Online

Julie Stewart,
(515) 294-5616,

Ag and Life Sciences Online, the newsletter for faculty and staff in Iowa State University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, is e-mailed every Monday. To subscribe, send your name, e-mail address and the message "Ag and Life Sciences Online subscribe" to To unsubscribe, send "Ag and Life Sciences Online unsubscribe."


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