Issue: 1306

CALS Online and Dean’s Message
Aug. 5, 2024

Dean’s Message

Hello CALS – Greetings from Colorado, where I am attending an agriculture think tank and learning many perspectives from across a broad range of interests. Academia is the least represented group here, so it's a great chance to hear from a diversity of sectors from across the United States' broad range of ag and natural resource interests. We're closing in now on the start of the semester (notwithstanding the Iowa State Fair in the meantime and the Farm Progress Show), and I hope everyone's ready for the influx of energetic and future-bound students that are our raison d'etre (reason to be)… More 

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The Iowa State Fair is the single largest event in the state of Iowa and one of the oldest and largest agricultural and industrial expositions in the country.

CALS and the Iowa State Fair – Aug. 8-18
The Iowa State Fair is the single largest event in the state of Iowa and one of the oldest and largest agricultural and industrial expositions in the country. Iowa State’s exhibit at the 2024 Iowa State Fair, “Catch the Cyclone Vision,” will feature a series of 360-degree videos of unique campus experiences. The exhibit in the Varied Industries Building is open to fairgoers from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily, Aug. 8-18. Also, with guidance from College of Veterinary Medicine clinicians, fourth-year veterinary students will care for animals at the fair. More Listed below are activities at the fair involving CALS faculty, staff and students.

State Fair: Weed Identification Contest – Aug. 9
The annual ISU Extension and Outreach weed identification contest is Friday, Aug. 9, from 9-11:30 a.m. in front of the John Deere Agriculture Building. Contestants need to know commonly accepted names of weeds, but do not need to know scientific names. There are three divisions: future agronomists (youth under age 19), general and professional. More 

State Fair: Horse Judging – Aug. 10-11
Jill Paxton, animal science and advisor of the Equestrian Club Hunt Team and the Rodeo Club, will be judging the open class western horse show at the Jacobson Exhibition Center at 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 10, and 8:30 a.m. on Sunday, Aug. 11.

State Fair: Skillathons – Aug. 11, Aug. 14
Amy Powell, extension program specialist in animal science, works with three skillathon events at the Iowa State Fair – swine, sheep and goat. The skillathon is a series of five stations where 4-H youth work in teams to solve a challenge related to genetics, welfare, meat science, handling and other animal husbandry topics within their species. The swine skillathon is Sunday, Aug. 11, at 9 a.m. in the Swine Barn, and the sheep skillathon is at 12:30 p.m. in the Sheep Barn. The meat goat skillathon is Aug. 14 at 12:30 p.m. in the Swine Barn.   

State Fair: Salsa and Food Safety – Aug. 15 
The Culinary Science Club will be presenting Fresh Salsa and Food Safety at 11 a.m. on Aug. 15 in The Kitchen (west room), located in the Maytag Family Theater. Erica Beirman, food science and human nutrition, is the club advisor.

State Fair: Protect the Plate – Aug. 16
Extension specialists Maya Hayslett and Lynne Campbell are hosting the Protect the Plate Challenge on Aug. 16 in the Bruce L. Rastetter 4-H Exhibits Building. The challenge explores how different technologies have transformed agriculture and how farmers, government and consumers must continue to innovate, learn and adapt to grow more food sustainably while focusing on food safety. More 

State Fair: Governor’s STEM Day – Aug. 18
Aug. 18 is STEM Day at the Fair, hosted by the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council. The day provides opportunities for participants to experience engaging, hands-on science, technology, engineering and mathematics activities facilitated by organizations across the state. Ginny Mitchell, plant pathology, entomology and microbiology, will be presenting the Insect Zoo at 3 p.m. on the MidAmerican Energy Stage.

State Fair: Dairy at the Fair
The Dairy Science Club is hosting Dairy at the Fair at 9 a.m., 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. in the John and Emily Putney Family Cattle Barn, daily except Aug. 18. Activities will include a calf photo booth, prize wheel and information on consuming dairy while at the fair. The “I Milked a Cow” event and the milking parlor were canceled this year to prevent the spread of bird flu.

State Fair: Egg-on-a-Stick
The Egg Industry Center will be helping with the egg-on-a-stick booth, which will be open daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the center of the Agricultural Building. The Iowa Egg Council hosts the booth, offering one of the few remaining proteins that are provided to fair goers free of charge.

State Fair: How Gardeners Can Participate
While many of the contests in the Floriculture and Horticultural Crops divisions at the State Fair require pre-registration, a few do not require prior registration and have no entry fee. ISU Extension and Outreach has pulled together some opportunities where gardeners can get involved, including: the most unusual vegetable contest, the best tasting tomato contest, seed pictures and floral designs. More 

State Fair: Discovery Garden
The ISU Extension and Outreach Master Gardener program in Polk County hosts the Discovery Garden at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. It is located on the south side of the Agricultural Building, and more than 80 Polk County Master Gardeners maintain the beds from early April through the first snow. More 

State Fair: Science and the Creative Component
Marissa Roghair Stroud, doctoral candidate in the Interdepartmental Microbiology Graduate Program, has prepared several submissions for the Iowa State Fair, two of which are science-themed. In the Fine Arts program, she has an ink drawing of fungal diversity that will be displayed on the third floor of the Cultural Center. For the Creative Arts program, she has put together a detailed science lab out of Legos, including scientists, lab tools and plants. This will be displayed on the second floor of the Cultural Center.


Research Spotlight: Gary Munkvold
Gary Munkvold, plant pathology, entomology and microbiology and Iowa Soybean Research Center affiliate, conducts research in seed-borne diseases of corn, soybean and vegetable crops. He also serves as co-director of the USDA National Seed Health System and chairs Iowa State’s Graduate Program in Seed Technology and Business, teaching two courses related to seed pathology. More 

Teaching and Students

Iowa State Students Showcase Agrifood System Solutions at FAO
Students from Iowa State recently showcased their research on solutions for challenges in agrifood systems at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations headquarters in Rome. This opportunity to develop and share their work with FAO’s professional staff was made possible through the Dean’s Global Agriculture and Food Leadership Program, an initiative designed to equip eight to 12 undergraduate students annually with leadership and research skills tailored for real-world challenges. More 

Iowa State Named Outstanding Chapter Club at AAEA Conference
Iowa State’s Agricultural Business Club received the Outstanding Chapter Club award at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association annual meeting in New Orleans on July 28-30. More 

Extension and Outreach

Conservation is a Contact Sport
The decisions Iowans make about their watersheds affect the people and the communities downstream. That’s why Iowans are participating in the Master Conservationist Program delivered by ISU Extension and Outreach. "I like to say conservation is a contact sport,” said Adam Janke, natural resource ecology and management and extension wildlife specialist. “We need people out there talking to their friends and neighbors about what conservation is, what it takes and why everybody needs to be involved.” More 

Calculator Can Help Farmers Determine their Carbon Intensity Score
Farmers who want to gain a better understanding of their Carbon Intensity Score can take advantage of a calculator developed by Alejandro Plastina, economist with ISU Extension and Outreach. More 

Tips Provided to Help Meet Federal Food Safety Requirements
Midsummer is the perfect time for produce growers to review their cleaning and harvesting procedures to minimize the risks of foodborne illnesses and maximize their farm efficiency. In a recent article for the Acreage Living Newsletter, Teresa Wiemerslage, field specialist with ISU Extension and Outreach, highlights the main points to consider. More 

Around the College

Stith Wiggs Inducted into Hall of Fame
Stith Wiggs, plant pathology, entomology and microbiology, was recently inducted into the State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa Hall of Fame. He began serving as a volunteer judge for the fair in 2005, as a freshman at Iowa State. He has returned every year.

ISRC Marks 10 Years of Growth and Success
The Iowa Soybean Research Center celebrated its 10th anniversary on July 1. Greg Tylka, plant pathology, entomology and microbiology and founding director of the ISRC, provides a brief overview of some of the center’s major accomplishments and activities. More 

CALS Alumni BBQ Aug. 31 – LAST Call for Volunteers and Invitation to Attend
Faculty and staff volunteers are still needed for the annual CALS barbecue, to be held Aug. 31 at the Hansen Agriculture Student Learning Center. Approximately 400 CALS alumni and friends are expected to attend this year’s event, which will run from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., prior to the Iowa State vs. North Dakota football game (kick-off is 2:30 p.m.). A complimentary lunch, parking and shuttle to the stadium will be provided. Volunteers who register will receive a CALS barbecue T-shirt in appreciation of their service. Register to volunteer online by Wednesday, Aug. 7. For questions, contact Angie Weeks ( Volunteer opportunities include:

  • Registration/Greeter (11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m.)
  • Beverage service (11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m.)

CALS faculty, staff and guests are also invited to attend the barbecue as guests. Details are available on the CALS barbecue webpage. Event registration is required by Aug. 23.


Aug. 7: Iowa Learning Farms Conservation Webinar
The Iowa Learning Farms conservation webinar on Wednesday, Aug. 7, at noon, will address potential future climate scenarios as a catalyst for informed agricultural management decisions. Elizabeth Schwab, natural resource ecology and management, will present “Visualizing Drainage Needs Under a Potential Future Climate.” More 

Aug. 30: CALS Ice Cream Social
CALS faculty and staff are invited to an ice cream social on Aug. 30 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on the patio behind Curtiss Hall. In the case of inclement weather, the event will be held in Harl Commons.


New Study Shows Growing Losses from PRRS
New research led by Dr. Derald Holtkamp, veterinary diagnostic and production animal medicine, found the economic impact of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome increased 80% between 2010 and 2020, costing the pork industry more than $1 billion per year in lost production. Improved biosecurity is essential to reversing the mounting losses. More 


A Fire Prevention Legacy Turns 80
The spokes-bear of one of the longest running and most successful advertising campaigns in American history is turning 80. Smokey Bear’s official birthday is Friday, Aug. 9, but the USDA Forest Service has been celebrating all year. Despite the success of Smokey Bear’s campaign over the years, wildfire prevention remains one of the most critical issues affecting the country’s forests and grasslands. With more than 80% of wildfires being started accidentally or by careless or bad behavior, Smokey’s message is as relevant and urgent today as it was in 1944. More 

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Online

Julie Stewart, Editor, (515) 294-5616

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Online, the newsletter for faculty and staff in Iowa State University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, is published by email every Monday. The deadline for submitting content is 12 p.m. on Thursday.


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