CALS Online and Dean’s Message
Jan. 10, 2022
Dean’s Message
Hello CALS Colleagues – Welcome back from the holidays! I hope you and yours had a wonderful break. The start of the semester is just before us… We are returning once again to COVID as an indicator of our times… We are also returning to great opportunities to make a positive difference in the human and natural worlds around us… More
Top Stories
Kanwar Elected to European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Rameshwar Kanwar, agricultural and biosystems engineering, has been elected as a fellow to the European Academy of the Sciences and Arts. He has multiple fellowships, including the India National Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Kanwar is currently in Washington, D.C. as a Jefferson Fellow, advising the federal government on international relations. More
INRC Launches Water Researcher Directory
A new directory highlights scientists at Iowa State, the University of Iowa and the University of Northern Iowa engaged in nutrient reduction research. The online tool is hosted by the Iowa Nutrient Research Center. More
Teaching and Students
CALS Council Elects New Executive Team
The CALS Student Council has elected its new executive team: president is Lydia Johnson, junior in agriculture and life sciences education; vice president is Shelby Westhoff, senior in agricultural studies; secretary is Julia Quisley, senior in agricultural business; and treasurer is Colton Moore, junior in agricultural business. More
Science with Practice Helps Students Reach Education, Career Goals
After taking a year off due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 10 students enrolled in Science with Practice during the fall 2021 semester. Katie Hartmann, agricultural education and studies and Science with Practice coordinator, said the fall semester’s projects included research related to fat and moisture content in fresh pork loins, marketing strategies to communicate and connect with Iowa pork producers, and studying management of tabletop tree poinsettias for optimal growth. More
Four ITEC Students Receive Safety Scholarship
Four industrial technology students in agricultural and biosystems engineering received the Iowa Occupational Safety and Health Advisory Council Scholarship at the 50th Annual Iowa Governor’s Safety and Health Conference in November – Abby Espinosa-Gonzales, Liam Gleason, Mallory Leazer and Daniel Nelson. More
Extension and Outreach
Task Force Makes Recommendations to Iowa Legislature
A diverse group of local food experts from across the state submitted a set of recommendations to the Iowa Legislature that are intended to improve the farm to table supply chain. The Farm to Table Task Force, commissioned during the 2021 state legislative session, is led by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and ISU Extension and Outreach. More
Energy Company Turning Corn Stover into Natural Gas
As of Dec. 7, the Verbio North America plant in Nevada, Iowa, has been converting chopped cornstalks into natural gas that enters an Alliant Energy pipeline that traverses central Iowa. Kapil Arora, agricultural and biosystems engineering, and ISU Extension and Outreach have been involved with Verbio from the start, providing technical support, hosting farmer meetings and conducting research. More
CropsTV Returns for Season 2 of On-Demand Education
CropsTV, powered by ISU Extension and Outreach, is returning for a second season. The educational program delivers crop production information directly to farmers and agribusinesses. All episodes will be available for on-demand viewing, providing flexibility. More
Horse Breeders Can Balance Mare Nutrition with New Guide
A new publication from ISU Extension and Outreach helps horse breeders determine the dietary needs of their mares during gestation and lactation. The information in Nutrition for the Gestating and Lactating Mare applies to anyone involved with the breeding of mares – whether at the hobby or commercial levels, according to Peggy Auwerda, animal science and extension equine specialist. More
Donation Gardens Provide Education and Food for Iowans
This year’s Growing Together Mini-Grant projects with ISU Extension and Outreach resulted in 33 Iowa counties growing 91,772 pounds of fruits and vegetables that were donated to 119 food pantries and distribution sites. More
Slack Named New Extension Fruit Crops Specialist
Suzanne Slack joined Iowa State University in November. She holds a research and teaching appointment in horticulture, and is the newest fruit crop specialist with ISU Extension and Outreach. More
Around the College
Iowa State Receives Norman Borlaug Medallion
Last month, World Food Prize Foundation representatives visited campus, during which they formally presented Iowa State University the Norman E. Borlaug Medallion. Ambassador Kenneth Quinn originally presented the medallion to Iowa State in January 2020. Due to various reasons, including the pandemic, a formal ceremony was not held until now. Iowa State is the ninth recipient of the Borlaug Medallion, which recognizes world leaders and exceptional institutions for their impact on issues of global food security that benefit humankind. More
Janke Featured as Change Agent
Adam Janke, natural resource ecology and management and wildlife specialist for ISU Extension and Outreach, was featured in December as a “Change Agent” by ISU News Service. More
2021 #CyThx Honorees
To celebrate effective teaching, advising and mentoring, the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching partners with ISU Learning Communities, Multicultural Student Affairs, Student Government, and Graduate and Professional Student Senate for the annual #CyThx recognition project. For the fourth year, CELT asked Cyclones to share who makes them feel like a valued member of the ISU community. They received 342 submissions representing 113 units at Iowa State. Congratulations to the more than 50 CALS faculty, staff and students who were recognized by others with #CyThx messages.
Jan. 12: Dean Robison to Host CALS Chat
Dean Robison will host a CALS Chat on Wednesday, Jan. 12, from 10 to 11 a.m. in the Horticulture Hall Atrium. The informal, drop-in event will be an opportunity for casual conversation. Hot chocolate and snacks will be available.
Jan. 12: Iowa Learning Farms Webinar
Iowa Learning Farms will hold a webinar on Wednesday, Jan. 12, at noon to discuss the benefits of edge of field practices. Matt Helmers, director of the Iowa Nutrient Research Center, will present “Better Utilizing the Field Edge: Saturated Buffers and Bioreactors.” More
Communications Kiosk
Branded Employee Apparel Must Meet University Brand Standards
When designing ISU-branded apparel for faculty, staff and students, please remember to follow University Marketing’s brand standards. The use of approved colors and apparel choices, as well as university, department and unit wordmarks, ensures a consistent representation and a strong identifying image of Iowa State.
Campus Public Health Measures for Spring Semester 2022
A message from the ISU Office of the President was sent out last week on campus public health measures for spring semester 2022. With the high rate of COVID-19 transmission in Story County, the CDC recommends everyone, regardless of vaccination status, wear a well-fitting mask in public indoor settings. Iowa State is planning to offer another vaccine clinic for employees and students at State Gym. Note that Iowa State is moving to the updated CDC recommendations for isolation and quarantine.
FP&M Provides Custodial Update
Beginning Jan. 18, cleaning offices and departmental spaces will include dusting, sweeping/mopping and/or vacuuming, and emptying trash, according to an update provided by Facilities Planning and Management. They do not take recycling other than the large containers on wheels. For office spaces, cleaning will take place every other week. Most other spaces, such as conference rooms, lounges and meeting spaces, will be cleaned once per week. Research labs will be cleaned once per month upon request.
Fill Out Conflict of Interest and Commitment Disclosure
Dean Robison sent an email on Jan. 6 about filing updated Conflict of Interest and Commitment materials. Per COIC Policy and the COIC Procedures, Applications and Guidance Document, all faculty, P&S staff, contract staff, graduate assistants and postdoctoral scholars are required to disclose whether or not they believe they have a conflict. The COIC disclosure is accomplished through an electronic process available online. The COIC Disclosure site contains a screening question and then a graduate assistant form, short form or standard form for disclosures based upon position responsibilities and answers to the screening question. For those supervising other P&S or contract staff, or graduate students or post docs, please ensure this process is completed.
Video: From the Farm to the Big Apple
Sara Rubin (’15 animal science) grew up around Dalmatian dogs and is continuing her family’s business of raising and selling them out of her rural Perry, Iowa, home. Late last year, she delivered one of the puppies to New York Fire Department Ladder Company 20 in lower Manhattan. More
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Online
Julie Stewart, Editor, (515) 294-5616
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Online, the newsletter for faculty and staff in Iowa State University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, is published by email every Monday. The deadline for submitting content is 12 p.m. on Thursday.