- Must attain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.50. If the GPA for an individual semester is below 3.50 but the cumulative GPA is still above 3.50, the student may remain in the Honors Program. If the cumulative GPA is requirement is not met, the student may be dropped from the Honors Program. The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Honors Committee deals with grade problems on a case-by-case basis.
- Complete at least two Honors seminars (Honors 321, 322, 323, 324). Enrollment in seminars is controlled by the University Honors Program.
- Complete at least two honors courses (above depth and breadth requirement and English 250H) and can add additional honors courses as desired or needed.
- Complete the program of study. The goal of the program of study is to promote development of a highly individualized academic program for each Honors student through an evaluation of the student's curriculum to provide a wider range of subjects and/or to explore certain areas more deeply. The program of study must provide both depth and breadth of academic experiences comparable to (and hopefully exceeding) the academic requirements of the curriculum, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and the University.
- Complete an Independent Study Project - 490H.