CALS Honors 490H Project

An important part of an Honors student's program of study is the independent study project for academic credit. It is designated as a departmental 490H course, is usually done for 3 to 6 credits, and these credits must be listed in the proposed program of study (on the degree audit form) submitted as part of the application for full membership. The Honors Project Proposal form is required.

You are responsible for finding a project topic and a project advisor. This topic does not need to be chosen at the time you apply for full membership. However, you should choose your topic and have it approved by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Honors Committee before you begin work. In general, the topic should further your educational goals. Some suggestions are listed below:

  • Content from a course you have taken which you may wish to study in greater depth.
  • A specific topic area you wish to explore, in keeping with your educational goals. It does not have to be in your major, or even in your college.
  • A topic of interest to a faculty member with whom you would like to work.

Though there can be many goals that can be achieved in completing your Honors project, the principal one is to be able to plan, execute, and complete a project on your own. It is self-directed, and you set the deadlines.

Your Honors project advisor(s) may be any person (or group of persons), inside or outside the University, but must include at least one faculty member, who will be responsible for assigning the grade. Your advisor(s) should be willing and able to provide significant guidance during the term of the project. Some examples would include:

  • Your Honors academic advisor.
  • An instructor for a class you have taken.
  • A faculty person from whom you have not taken a course.
  • Someone you have worked closely with as part of a co-op or summer work experience.

Funds are available for you to use with your Honors project. The University Honors Program has several opportunities to compete for the limited funds that are available to support Honors research projects, including University Honors grants and Stewart Research Awards.

Guidelines have been established for eligibility, application, and award, including a list of items that may be funded. For further information, pick up a copy of the guidelines at the Honors Building.

The number of credits for the project is to be determined by you and your project advisor(s). You and your project advisors should work together to decide the amount of input required for the credits to be earned, depending on the scope and complexity of the project. Your project advisor(s) will be responsible for assigning a grade for the project.

There are two required outputs associated with your Honors project and each has a deadline:

  • Honors Project Registration and Approval Form
    Complete this form and have your Honors project advisor sign it. It should be submitted to the chair and associate chair of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Honors Committee via Canvas prior to the time you register for the term during which you will do the work in order to obtain final approval.
  • Poster Presentation
    You are required to present a poster at a University Honors poster presentation. The University Honors Program Committee and the Honors Student Board host a poster presentation near the end of each semester. The time and location of this presentation are determined by the University Honors Program by the middle of each semester and an information packet is sent at that time. The College Honors Committee will review and critique your poster and oral presentation.

Guidelines for Project Advisors