Advising Resources

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Mission Statement for Academic Advising

The mission of academic advising in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) is to promote the personal and academic development of the student in the context of a mentoring relationship with an academic advisor. By being available to the student in the office and in informal settings, the advisor communicates genuine interest in the student as a person. The academic advisor aids in broadening the student’s interests and outlook by encouraging self-discovery, academic breadth and respect for truth, regardless of academic discipline. The advisor supports the student in the emotional transitions of academic life thereby fostering self-acceptance and is skilled at referring the student to campus and community resources when necessary.

Academic advisor assist students in achieving their academic goals by providing accurate and timely information regarding the institutional requirements and protocols of the university, college and academic major. As a member of the faculty within the student’s major, the advisor communicated his or her own enthusiasm and sense of relevance for the subject matter, thereby stimulating intellectual curiosity, creativity and inviting the student to develop academic depth and expertise. As a practicing professional, the advisor aids the student in developing personal and professional goals which are challenging, worthy and realistic. The advisor informs the students of university and career-related opportunities and serves as an advocate by helping the student capitalize on those opportunities.

Beyond the demands of academic life, the advisor encourages participation in activities which develop leadership and interpersonal skills, recognize achievement and promote personal responsibility and integrity. Realizing that personal and professional development continue throughout life, the advisor takes advantage of continuing educational opportunities to develop and deepen his or her advising abilities. The advisor remains available to alumni for consultation, guidance and continuing interaction.

Why is Advising important?

Beal and Noel (1980), reporting on a joint project of the American College Testing Program and the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems, identified "inadequate academic advising " as the greatest impediment to student retention. From a positive perspective, a "caring attitude of faculty and staff" was the strongest positive correlate with persistence. Forrest (1982) points to the efficacy of academic advising for achieving general education objectives and increasing student persistence: "the single most important move an institution can make to increase student persistence to graduation is to ensure that students receive the guidance they need at the beginning of the journey through college."

Student Affairs

Most things concerning students at Iowa State University fall under the Division of Student Affairs.  They are responsible for, among other things, Student Counseling Services, the Office of the Registrar, International Students & Scholars, the Memorial Union, the Department of Residence, the Dean of Students, ISU Dining, Thielen Student Health Center, Admissions, and Student Financial Aid.

Contact: 2350 Beardshear Hall, (515) 294-4420,

The Office of the Registrar

The Registrar's Office also maintains a list of University Policies:  

Contact: Office of the Registrar, 214 Enrollment Services Center, (515) 294-1840,,

Dean of Students Office

  • The Academic Success Center provides academic coaching, tutoring, and Supplemental Instruction.  1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center, (515) 294-6624,
  • Greek Affairs. 0355 Memorial Union, (515) 294-1023,
  • Judicial Affairs. 1010 Student Services Building, (515) 294-1021,
  • Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Student Services.  1064 Student Services Building, (515) 294-5433,
  • Margaret Sloss Women’s Center. Sloss House, (515) 294-4154,
  • Multicultural Student Affairs. 2080 Student Services Building, (515) 294-6338,
  • The National Student Exchange provides a chance for students to study in various colleges across the United States. Informational meeting and application deadlines found at 1080 Hixson-Lied Student-Success Center, (515) 294-6479,
  • Student Assistance and Outreach refers students to various on-campus resources to navigate personal, financial, and academic struggles.  Faculty can refer students to assistance if they are concerned. 1010 Student Services Building, (515) 294-1020,
  • Student Disability Resources. Student Academic Accommodations Request (SAAR) forms can be found at 1076 Student Services Building, (515) 294-7220,
  • Student Legal Services provides free legal advice pertaining to family and divorce law, criminal law, tenant-landlord issues, off-campus employment issues, etc.  0367 Memorial Union, (515) 294-0978,
  • Student Support Services provides support for first generation students, low income students, or students with disabilities. 2010 Student Services Building, (515) 294-0210,

Contact: 1010 Student Services Building, (515) 294-1020,

The Office of the Provost

Contact: Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost, 1550 Beardshear Hall, (515) 294-9591,

CALS Student Services Office

  • Coordinates and Leads:  academic advising, Recruitment and Retention, New Student Orientation, undergraduate multicultural student programs and services, undergraduate commencement and graduation.
  • Evaluates and processes:  requests for waivers and/or exceptions to undergraduate policies and procedures, changes to degree audits, curriculum changes, minor and multiple curriculum forms.

Contact:  CALS Student Services Office, 20 Curtiss Hall, (515) 294-5015,,