Awards: Strategic Seed Grants for Facilities & Equipment (2023)

The AES funded 8 requests for equipment or infrastructure to advance research and research capacity for existing Hatch/Multistate Projects.

Selected For Support

TitleDepts.Award AmountPI and TeamAssociated Hatch/Multistate Project(s)
Anaerobic chamber for animal microbiome researchANS$55,000Stephan Schmitz-Esser, Curt Youngs, Elisabeth Bobeck, Daniel UnruhIOW03921, IOW05682, IOW04121
Energizing livestock research: A deep dive into mitochondrial dynamics amidst climate variabilityANS$150,000.00Joshua Selsby, Aileen Keating, Karl Kerns, Lance Baumgard, Stephanie Hansen, Elizabeth BobeckIOW05627, IOW03921, IOW05682, IOW05513, IOW05670
Thermal imaging to enhance pollinator health researchEEOB, PPEM, NREM$15,943Amy Toth, Matt O’Neal, Katherine Kral-O’Brien, Randall CassIOW05601, IOW05519
Nitrogen and carbon analyzer to enhance nutritional approaches to optimize efficient resource utilization in the production of lean tissue and eggsANS$60,000Nicholas Gabler, Elizabeth BobeckIOW03921, IOW05637, IOW05589
Inverted confocal for live imaging of blood cellsGDCB$158,474Raquel Espin Palazon, Clyde Campbell, IOW05706
Microscopic Instrumentation for Horticultural Research in Cover Crop Breeding and Fruit Cultivar SelectionHORT$23,081Shui-zhang Fei, Suzanne SlackIOW04101
Real time imaging of host-bacteria interaction to better elucidate mechanism of bacterial gut colonization in food-producing animalsFSHN$41,600Melha MellataIOW05700, IOW04202

Total funded: $513,647

Request for Proposals & Selection Process


Available Funds$504,098
Number of Applications16
Total Funds Requested$1,560,737
Lead PI Department, All Applications8
Average (mean) Request Amount$97,546
Number of Proposals with Matching Funds9
Average Matching Funds (Where Included)$38,792

Primary Reviewer Selection

  • 10 were asked to serve across 8 departments.  8 agreed to serve as reviewers.
  • Proposals were randomly assigned to reviewers with no COI (per the COI list submitted by PI and reviewer agreement of no COI).

Review Process

  • 16 proposals were classed into 8 sets, with 4 proposals in each.  These were organized so that each proposal ended up with two reviews. 
  • A primary reviewer reviewed each set of four.  These four were ranked relative to each other based on the potential to expand the scope of existing projects, alignment to strategic initiatives, potential to facilitate team-based initiatives, and potential use for developing or enabling future requests for funding.
  • Secondary reviewers (from ISU Administration) met to discuss the primary reviews and to compare rankings with available funds.
  • Highly ranked proposals were selected for funding.  Some proposals were only partially funded to arrive at a figure near the funding allocated for this opportunity. 
Primary Reviewers8
Primary Reviewer Departments5
Secondary Reviewers5
Secondary Reviewer UnitsVPR, CALS Administration, Office of Biotech

Selected Applications

Full Funding6
Partial Funding1
Lead PI Departments5
Included Matching Funds4
Average Matching Funds$36,750
Total Funds Awarded (including match)$540,848