Iowa State University Students Select Milleman Family Mentorship Award Winners

Marshall Ruble, an agriculture research station superintendent, received the MIlleman Family Mentorship Award. His nominators included Kassi Rice, a junior in animal science, and Cole Spain, a junior in agricultural and life sciences education.

AMES, Iowa – The Milleman Family Mentorship Award was presented to Marshall Ruble and Dick Schultz for their work in advising students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Iowa State University.

The award is sponsored by Jane and Leo Milleman from Ames, Iowa. Leo, who is a 1969 graduate from Iowa State, benefited from advice he received from an advisor in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. That advice helped him pursue a career as a physician and he’s now retired from McFarland Clinic in Ames, Iowa.

The award winners were selected by students for their dedication and mentoring roles with students. The nominations were submitted by students to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Student Council.

Ruble, an agriculture research station superintendent, was nominated for his role as a staff advisor for the Block & Bridle Club and for the many roles he’s played in helping students over the past 40 years. Ruble manages the Hansen Agriculture Student Learning Center, which hosts more than 180 events each year. He previously managed the Beef Teaching and Research Farm and balanced a working cattle operation while providing outreach and quality learning opportunities for students.

Kassi Rice, a junior in animal science, nominated Ruble for the award. She describes him as a tireless advocate for students and student clubs. He’s also helped the Block & Bridle Club look for fundraising opportunities to host a national convention next year.

“Marshall isn't satisfied with mediocrity and pushes students to look for new solutions or to go the extra mile in their work," Rice said. “He's never afraid to put in a word with the right person or sit down for a chat to provide sage counsel.”

Schultz, a University Professor in natural resource ecology and management, has also had a 40-year career at Iowa State. His work with the Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods in Uganda has had an impact on students over the past 10 years.

Erin Chalupa, a senior in animal science, nominated Schultz because of his work with students in Uganda.

“He was encouraging to students, supportive and reassuring in difficult times and generous with his knowledge and wisdom,” Chalupa said. “He was truly inspiring during the whole trip in many ways. The way he treats others with respect and caring is one of his unique qualities. He serves as a huge mentor to me.”

The awardees were selected by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Student Council and presented to Schultz and Ruble on Dec. 5.

Schultz, a University Professor in natural resource ecology and management, received the MIlleman Family Mentorship Award. Erin Chalupa, a senior in animal science, on the left nominated Schultz for the award. Jenna Rasmusson, a senior in agronomy, served as president of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Student Council in 2018-19.