AMES, Iowa — Donald Beitz, an Iowa State University Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor of Agriculture, has been awarded the Marvin A. Pomerantz Award for his accomplishments in teaching and research.
Beitz teaches several courses in animal science, biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology and agricultural education and studies departments and nutritional sciences program. He has served as an advisor or mentor of undergraduate and graduate students, post-doctoral candidates and visiting scientists.
His research accomplishments span a variety of nutrition and health studies for people and animals, generating 267 refereed journal articles and 328 published abstracts.
Beitz joined Iowa State in 1967 and holds a joint appointment in the Department of Animal Science and the Roy J. Carver Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology. He earned a bachelor’s degree in agricultural science in 1962 and a master’s degree in dairy science in 1963, both from the University of Illinois; and a doctorate in dairy nutrition and biochemistry from Michigan State University in 1967.
The Pomerantz award recognizes faculty who are outstanding in the areas of teaching, research or extension and outreach and includes $3,500 to support the recipient's scholarly work. The ISU Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost administers the award, which is made on a rotating basis among Iowa State’s academic colleges.