This summer Zachary Brown is tackling curriculum covering everything from genetics to poultry to cattle.
Brown is working with Amy Powell, an Iowa State Extension animal science program specialist, who coordinates and develops materials for youth animal science projects in Iowa’s 4-H program.
“We hope that these materials will ultimately be used by schools,” Powell said.
Through the program Brown helped developed a poultry quiz to be used to fill the gap left behind after poultry exhibits were cancelled at this summer's county fairs. The poultry exhibit ban was implemented due to Iowa’s Avian Flu outbreak this year.
“Normally they work with the birds, but since they are unable to do that this year we created a quiz bowl,” Brown said.
The poultry quiz consists of 300 questions for both intermediate level and advanced level students. The higher level addresses the more scientific areas of poultry and the lower level is aimed at bird identification.
Brown just graduated from Southern University in Baton Rouge and will be pursuing a master’s degree in agricultural education and studies at Iowa State this fall. He grew up in Houston and is one of 29 students participating in the George Washington Carver Internship program this summer.
The program, which is sponsored by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, introduces both college and high school students to various areas of research at Iowa State. The program attracts students from throughout the United States.
George Washington Carver Intern Develops Poultry Quiz Bowl
July 17, 2015