The U.S. Department of Agriculture confirmed today that Asian Soybean Rust has been found in Louisiana, the first known incidence of the disease in North America. Iowa State University has experts who can be contacted about Asian Soybean Rust and those include: Greg Tylka, Iowa State plant pathologist, (515) 294-1741, Tylka coordinated training sessions for over 400 crop professionals during the summer. Palle Pedersen, Iowa State agronomist, (515) 290-3212, Pedersen is Iowa State's extension expert on soybean issues. Alison Robertson, Iowa State plant pathologist, (515) 294-1741, Robertson is an Iowa State extension plant pathologist. X.B. Yang, Iowa State plant pathologist, is one of the leading experts in the world and is on his way to Louisiana as member of the USDA soybean rust detection assessment team. For the past two years the Iowa Soybean Rust Team has worked on how to respond to the introduction of Asian Soybean Rust into the United States. Team members represent Iowa State University, the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, the Iowa Soybean Association/Iowa Soybean Promotion Board and the United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. More information about the team and its action plan are available online. Asian soybean rust was first recorded in Japan in 1902. The pathogen moved throughout Asia, Australia and Africa before it was discovered in South America in 2000. Asian soybean rust has been moving northward through South America. Asian soybean rust is an aggressive fungal disease that can reduce soybean yield substantially. The disease has the potential to cause extensive damage to plants and can travel quickly through infected areas depending on environmental conditions. Research also suggests that soybean rust will not overwinter in Iowa or other northern soybean-growing areas. Top of a soybean leaf infected with Asian Soybean Rust Bottom of a soybean leaf infected with Asian Soybean Rust
ISU Experts Available to Speak About Asian Soybean Rust
November 10, 2004