Mitchell Receives P&S Outstanding Achievement in Teaching Award

Jeffrey Mitchell, program specialist with the Meats Laboratory in animal science, Iowa State University.Jeffrey Mitchell, program specialist with the Meats Laboratory in animal science, is the recipient of the 2022 Professional and Scientific Outstanding Achievement in Teaching Award from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Iowa State University. He is involved in planning and conducting extension program demonstrations, teaching undergraduate laboratories, training and supervising student workers for Meats Laboratory operations, and assisting graduate students and faculty with research projects. 

Mitchell is said to be “a natural teacher who is equally effective with elementary school tour groups, extension clientele of all ages, and undergraduate students and graduate students at Iowa State.” He has taught hundreds of students about meat fabrication and meat cut identification, and assists with extension short courses and the intercollegiate meat judging teams. He also trains and supervises the hourly student workers who carry out many of the daily meat laboratory functions. The meat lab harvests poultry, sheep, swine and beef as a service to several teaching and research programs. The meat inspection requirements of USDA and the operating safety requirements of EHS and OSHA make it necessary to provide extensive student training and supervision for these activities. “His contributions…have been an important part of the success of Iowa State’s meat science program.”