Antonio Mallarino, professor in agronomy, is the recipient of the 2022 Outstanding Achievement in Extension and Outreach Award from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Iowa State University. His work focuses on soil fertility and nutrient and soil management for efficient crop production and environmental stewardship. His program has resulted in significant improvement in Iowa nutrient management practices for conservation tillage, soil testing and environmental phosphorus assessment. Mallarino developed the first interpretations for the Olsen P test on Iowa soils. His early field work with the Mehlich-3 test and subsequent extension and outreach engagement, has made this the most widely used soil P test in Iowa and the United States, resulting in the first P and K field calibrations for this test in the Corn Belt.
A notable aspect of Mallarino’s extension education program is the considerable information transfer directly to production agriculture clientele through extensive use of on-farm applied research trials and demonstrations. A colleague states, “Dr. Mallarino is an extension educator that keeps the producer in mind. The tools he develops, the projects he leads, and his tireless efforts to educate stakeholders are all aimed at making sure producers have the necessary information to make decisions.”