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INRC-Funded Research Projects

Iowa Nutrient Researcher Directory

The Iowa Nutrient Researcher Directory is a web directory designed to guide visitors to diverse types of research projects to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus in Iowa's waters and the researchers leading those projects. This short video about the directory features four scientists working in diverse types of projects with Iowa State University, the University of Iowa and University of Northern Iowa whose work has received support from the Iowa Nutrient Research Center.

RegenPGC - Perennial Groundcover Approaches to Pressing Conservation Challenges

Morrill Professor Raj Raman, in Iowa State University's Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department, and collaborators at The Land Institute and Corteva, discuss the RegenPGC vision for Midwest cropping systems. Early research -- including by professors Ken Moore, agronomy, and Shuizhang Fei, horticulture -- to investigate the potential of perennial groundcovers for Midwest cropping systems received initial "seed" funding from the Iowa Nutrient Research Center.

Read the related article about perennial groundcover research

Landscape Opportunities for Nutrient Processing

Iowa State Geologist Keith Schilling discusses INRC-funded research looking into opportunities to enhance nutrient processing at landscape locations where nutrient reduction occurs naturally.

Influence of Bank Stabilization on Floodplain Sediment and Phosphorus Storage

Learn about INRC-supported research led by Dr. Peter Moore, professor in the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management at Iowa State University.

Building cross-scale predictability of land-to-aquatic nitrogen loads in agriculture-dominated watersheds

Learn about INRC-supported modeling-based research led by Dr. Chaoqun Lu, professor in the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology, at Iowa State University.

Corn Cob Bioreactors for Water Quality

Learn about ongoing INRC-supported research on nitrate-reducing bioreactors led by Dr. Michelle Soupir, professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at Iowa State University, one of the developers of this conservation technology.

Nitrate Removal in a Saturated Riparian Buffer

Learn more about nitrate removal in a saturated riparian buffer from Dr. Tom Isenhart, a professor in the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management at Iowa State University, one of the developers of this emerging conservation technology.

The Right Strategies: Making Cover Crops Work for Iowa Farmers and Water Quality