An integrated assessment framework to evaluate conservation practices and environmental and economic benefits: A case for central Iowa
Linking agricultural practices to water quality improvement: The importance of spatial scale in accurately characterizing nonpoint source nutrient loads in Iowa stream systems
Co-benefits and possible unintended consequences of restoring wetlands for nutrient reduction
Phosphorus Transport in Iowa Streams: Importance of Stream Bed and Bank Erosion
Identifying and Quantifying Nutrient Reduction Benefits of Restored Oxbows
Corn cobs can improve performance, reduce costs of water quality bioreactors -- if supply is available
Iowa Nutrient Researcher Directory
The Iowa Nutrient Researcher Directory is a web directory designed to guide visitors to diverse types of research projects to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus in Iowa's waters and the researchers leading those projects. This short video about the directory features four scientists working in diverse types of projects with Iowa State University, the University of Iowa and University of Northern Iowa whose work has received support from the Iowa Nutrient Research Center.
Grass waterways research offers new opportunity to improve ag water quality
Drainage Water Recycling Field Day
Drainage Water Recycling Field Day
September 4, 2024 | 5:00-7:00pm
Mark Schleisman’s Farm
1532 365th St.
Lake City, IA 51449
Hosted by the Iowa Learning Farms in partnership with the Iowa Nutrient Research Center. Please RSVP in advance to or call 515-294-5429. The event is free and open to farmers and landowners and includes a complimentary meal.
During this field day, attendees will have a chance to get a closer look at new installations being used to collect in-field data on the performance of these systems. These sites are being studied as part of a research project led by the Iowa Nutrient Research Center and the Iowa Soybean Association analyzing drainage water recycling’s costs and benefits.