
Tile Drainage and Water Quality Workshop Series for Women in Ag

September 5, 2023

Two workshops on tile drainage and water quality intended for women in agriculture will be held this fall in eastern Iowa.The first workshop will be held on Sept. 13 at 5:30 p.m. in Hiawatha, and will include presentations on the basics of field tile drainage, the economics of tile drainage and water quality considerations. The second workshop will be held Nov. 8 at 5:00 p.m. in Cedar Rapids and will include presentations on tile drainage-related water quality practices, as well as opportunities for cost assistance. The workshops are hosted by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Linn and Johnson counties and sponsored by a grant from Wings2Water. More details at: 

Conservation on Tap

September 29, 2023

Iowa Nutrient Research Center Director Matt Helmers will be one of the hosts at the upcoming Conservation on Tap event, sponsored by Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with the Des Moines Water Works and Conservation Learning Group, Thursday, Oct. 19, from 6-7 p.m. at Big Grove Brewery & Taproom in Des Moines. Staff from Big Grove Brewery will join in the conversations as to why water quality matters for brewing, along with Ted Corrigan, CEO and General Manager of Des Moines Water Works, and Mark Licht, associate professor and extension cropping systems specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.


Iowa Nitrogen Initiative to bring more precision to fertilizer rates

October 12, 2023

Despite incentives to use just the right amount of nitrogen fertilizer on corn fields, current official recommendations are broad and ideal rates can vary widely from field to field and year to year. A research team led by Michael Castellano, the William T. Frankenberger Professor of Soil Science and an Iowa State University professor of agronomy, and ISU colleague Sotirios Archontoulis, Pioneer Hi-Bred Agronomy Professor, is collecting data from trials across Iowa – mostly in fields of participating volunteer farmers – to build models that offer far more granular guidance. The Iowa Nitrogen Initiative is supported with annual funding from the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship.

Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy and Your Farm Workshops

December 1, 2023

 A new educational opportunity, the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy and Your Farm Workshop, is available to interested local Iowa State University Extension and Outreach staff or other farm and community leaders. The new workshop is available to provide farmers, landowners and conservation professionals with information on the purpose, need, action items, and benefits of the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy and provide tools to create a basic nutrient reduction plan for their farm operation.

A digital toolkit of related resources to use individually or in association with the workshop is also available. Follow this link to access the digital toolkit with presentation slides, handouts, advertising materials, and evaluation materials. 

The materials are based on a half-day workshop conducted in 2023. They utilize modeling tools like the Nitrogen Load Estimate Calculator and Nutrient Tracking Tool to provide tailored estimates of nutrient losses from row crop acres under current operating conditions and after  incorporation of nutrient management practices.

To inquire about planning a workshop in your area -- or for other questions -- contact Kay Stefanik, assistant director of the Iowa Nutrient Research Center. 

ANR Extension & Outreach Staff Spotlight: Matt Helmers

February 12, 2024

Matt Helmers has been making a difference on Iowa’s landscape for more than two decades. His passion for agriculture and conservation have led to a career working with Iowa’s farmers and communities as they adopt new practices to improve water quality and manage nutrients.

Decoding Iowa Farmers’ Understanding of Edge-of-Field Practices

March 14, 2024

A study published by the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development at Iowa State University presents findings from INRC-supported research on the views of landowners and farmers regarding edge-of-field conservation practices and the barriers to scaling up these practices to significantly reduce nutrient loss. Using two rounds of survey responses among over 1,000 landowners and farmers residing in five watersheds in Iowa, conducted in summer 2022 and 2023, this study provides informative updates for EOF practices on current adoption rates and adoption willingness, perceived environmental benefits, and barriers to adoption and puts forward suggestions on effective education strategies embraced by landowners and farmers.

Updates to INRS dashboards

May 10, 2024

Updates to the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy (INRS) dashboards have been updated for the 2022 reporting period and can be accessed at the INRS Measurement Project website. Progress towards the INRS’s goals are evaluated using a logic model, for which the preceding component acts on the next component (summarized in the figure below). Updates for the 2022 reporting period have been completed for all dashboards, which includes:

Drainage Research Forum planned in Ames, Sept. 5

July 18, 2024

event announcement with ag drainage graphic and textAMES, IA – A one-day Drainage Research Forum will bring experts from the upper Midwest to Ames, Thursday, September 5, to discuss agricultural drainage research projects and related issues.

The forum is jointly sponsored by Iowa State University and the Iowa Nutrient Research Center, the University of Minnesota and South Dakota State University. 
