
Drainage Water Recycling Field Day

Wednesday, September 4, 2024 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm

Drainage Water Recycling Field Day
September 4, 2024 | 5:00-7:00pm
Mark Schleisman’s Farm
1532 365th St.
Lake City, IA 51449

Hosted by the Iowa Learning Farms in partnership with the Iowa Nutrient Research Center. Please RSVP in advance to or call 515-294-5429. The event is free and open to farmers and landowners and includes a complimentary meal. 

During this field day, attendees will have a chance to get a closer look at new installations being used to collect in-field data on the performance of these systems. These sites are being studied as part of a research project led by the Iowa Nutrient Research Center and the Iowa Soybean Association analyzing drainage water recycling’s costs and benefits. 

Virtual Field Day - Beavers: Superheroes for Water Quality?

Thursday, February 9, 2023 - 1:00pm

Learn about a study of beaver dams and their impact on nutrients and hydrology with Billy Beck, assistant professor and extension forestry specialist at Iowa State University and Andrew Rupiper, graduate research assistant , natural resource ecology and management at Iowa State. The free, virtual field day is hosted by the Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with the Iowa Nutrient Research Center, and Conservation Learning Group (CLG).

Funded by the Iowa Nutrient Research Center, researchers are working to quantify hydrologic impacts of beaver dams in the stream system and their effect on nutrients and sediment to determine the influences these ecosystem engineers have within their watershed. Find more details at: Virtual Field Day - Beavers: Superheroes for Water Quality? — Iowa Learning Farms

Wetland Field Day

Wednesday, November 13, 2024 - 12:30pm to 2:30pm

A wetland field day near Bayard, Iowa, is being hosted by Iowa Learning Farms and the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship at the farm of Guthrie County landowner David Greteman, who will discuss a newly completed water quality enhancement wetland constructed on his farm. Other presenters include INRC Assistant Director Kay Stefanik, who will talk about the importance of wetlands from both a water quality and ecological perspective.The event is free and open to farmers and landowners, and includes a complimentary meal. Reservations are required to ensure adequate space and food. To RSVP, please contact Liz Ripley by Nov. 6 at 515-294-5429 or
