Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture
The Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University was created to identify and develop new ways to farm profitably while conserving natural resources and reducing negative environmental and social impacts.
National Laboratory for Agriculture and The Environment : USDA ARS
The National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment (NLAE), located at Iowa State University in Ames, is multidisciplinary and focused on integrating the fundamental principles in soil, water and air into animal, cropping and watershed systems that leads to improved environmental quality, sustainability and enhanced agricultural system efficiency.
Dam! Impacts of Beaver Dams on Surface and Groundwater Quality
Soil Organic Carbon Controls on Nitrate Removal in Saturated Riparian Buffers
Emerging drainage water recycling practice could improve yields, water quality
Research underway by the Iowa Nutrient Research Center (INRC) and the Iowa Soybean Association is analyzing drainage water recycling’s costs and benefits, with funding from the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, the INRC and the USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture.
Influence of bank stabilization on floodplain sediment and phosphorus storage
Developing design criteria to test a new saturated waterway conservation practice
Iowa State University, USDA research article named best paper of 2021 by Journal of Environmental Quality
Potential Monomethylmercury Production in Bioreactors and Wetlands Intercepting Elevated Nitrate Loads in Iowa