
There is a need for more wetlands in Iowa

June 24, 2020

"Farm News" interview with Iowa Nutrient Research Center Assistant Director Kay Stefanik about the importance of wetlands and the roles they play in Iowa's landscape. Article (June 19, 2020) by Kriss Nelson. 

Dr. William Crumpton

William Crumpton
Professor - Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
Area of Expertise: 
Nitrate Removal Wetlands

Dr. Charlie Loewen

Charlie Loewen
Assistant Professor - Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biology
Area of Expertise: 

Dr. David Green

David Green
Research Scientist III - Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
Area of Expertise: 

Dr. Sara McMillan

Sara Winnike McMillan
Professor - Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Area of Expertise: 
In-Stream Processes, Wetlands, Engineering

Wetlands and Wildlife Case Study - Iowa Learning Farms Webinar

Wednesday, December 8, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

The Iowa Learning Farms (ILF) conservation webinar taking place Dec. 8 at noon CST will feature Kay Stefanik, Iowa Nutrient Research Center assistant director, and Adam Janke, extension wildlife specialist and assistant professor, Iowa State University.  The pair will introduce a new educational case study and learning guide for students, educators, agriculture professionals, farmers and landowners that draws on Stefanik’s expertise in wetland ecology and water quality and Janke’s expertise in the impacts of conservation practices on birds and wildlife.

Wetland Field Day

Wednesday, November 13, 2024 - 12:30pm to 2:30pm

A wetland field day near Bayard, Iowa, is being hosted by Iowa Learning Farms and the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship at the farm of Guthrie County landowner David Greteman, who will discuss a newly completed water quality enhancement wetland constructed on his farm. Other presenters include INRC Assistant Director Kay Stefanik, who will talk about the importance of wetlands from both a water quality and ecological perspective.The event is free and open to farmers and landowners, and includes a complimentary meal. Reservations are required to ensure adequate space and food. To RSVP, please contact Liz Ripley by Nov. 6 at 515-294-5429 or

Wetlands are good for water quality and wildlife - Iowa Learning Farms webinar

Wednesday, January 8, 2025 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

In an Iowa Learning Farms webinar, “Exploring the Ecology of Water Quality Wetlands in Iowa,” ISU associate profesor Adam Janke, in the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and anagement, will highlight the function and performance of nutrient treatment wetlands that have been constructed across Iowa to improve surface water quality in drained agricultural landscapes. He will draw on research comparing the ecology of these wetlands with nearby wetlands and discuss how they are contributing to wildlife conservation across the state.
