Clean Water Iowa links to work underway through the Iowa Water Quality Initiative (WQI), led by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, to implement the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy (NRS) established in 2013.
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IIHR at the University of Iowa is part of the new Coastal-Hydrologic Consortium, working to help solve regional flooding problems and water-related issues in the Mississippi River Watershed.
The Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy is a science and technology-based framework to assess and reduce nutrients to Iowa waters and the Gulf of Mexico. It is designed to direct efforts to reduce nutrients in surface water from both point and nonpoint sources in a scientific, reasonable and cost effective manner.
The Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University was created to identify and develop new ways to farm profitably while conserving natural resources and reducing negative environmental and social impacts.
The National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment (NLAE), located at Iowa State University in Ames, is multidisciplinary and focused on integrating the fundamental principles in soil, water and air into animal, cropping and watershed systems that leads to improved environmental quality, sustainability and enhanced agricultural system efficiency.
The Science-Based Trials of Rowcrops Integrated with Prairie Strips, known as the STRIPS project, is composed of a team of scientists, educators, farmers and extension specialists working on the prairie strips farmland conservation practice.
Restoring native vegetation for the benefit of society and the environment, with research, education and technology.
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Water Quality Program resources.