Dr. Thomas Isenhart

Professor - Natural Resource Ecology and Management
Tom Isenhart

Projects: Linking agricultural practices to water quality improvement: The importance of spatial scale in accurately characterizing nonpoint source nutrient loads in Iowa stream systems (2023)

Extending saturated buffers to additional landscape positions (2022)

Building cross-scale predictability of land-to-aquatic nitrogen loads in agriculture-dominated watersheds (2021)

Continued assessment of corncobs as an alternative carbon source to enhance bioreactor performance for improved water quality (2021)

Influence of bank stabilization on floodplain sediment and phosphorus storage (2021)

Dam! Impacts of Beaver Dams on Surface and Groundwater Quality (2020)

Soil Organic Carbon Controls on Nitrate Removal in Saturated Riparian Buffers (2020)

Watershed-scale Phosphorus Inputs from Streambanks (2019)

Before the Streams: Modeling the Effectiveness of In-Field and Edge-of-Field Practices in Reducing Nitrogen Loads (2018)

Corn Cobs as an Alternative Carbon Source to Enhance Bioreactor Performance for Improved Water Quality (2018)

Evaluation of Saturated Buffers as a Conservation Drainage Practice for Treating Agricultural Subsurface Drainage (2018)

Total Phosphorus Loads in Iowa Rivers and Estimation of Stream Bank Phosphorus Contribution (2017)

Woodchip Bioreactors for Improved Water Quality (2017)

Establishment and Monitoring of Saturated Buffers (2016)

Phosphorus Contributions from Eroding Iowa Stream Banks (2016)

Woodchip Bioreactors for Improved Water Quality (2016)

Evaluation of Stacked Conservation Practices on Phosphorus and Sediment Loss (2015)

Woodchip Bioreactors for Improved Water Quality (2015)

Developing Remote Sensing Protocols for Inventory of Nutrient Management Practices (2014)

Developing Remote Sensing Protocols for Inventory of Permanent Vegetative Practices (2014)

Establishment and Monitoring of Saturated Buffers within High–Priority HUC–12 Watersheds (2013)

Phosphorus Transport in Iowa Streams: Importance of Stream Bed and Bank Erosion (2013)

Area of Expertise: 
Water quality