AMES, Iowa – This spring, the Iowa Nutrient Research Center’s water quality research seminar series will “Focus on Phosphorus,” beginning Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2022. The presentations will take place the fourth Wednesday of each month, from 3:10-4:00 p.m., through April 27.
The seminar series will be presented online and in-person at 3306 Elings Hall, 605 Bissell Road, on the Iowa State University campus. Sessions are free and open to the public.
“Our spring series of presentations will highlight issues related to the nutrient phosphorus, its impacts on our water resources and unique challenges related to its measurement, management and reduction,” said INRC Director Matt Helmers.
Sessions will be:
- January 26 - Lake Erie Cyanobacterial Blooms: An Overview of Blooms and Ongoing Research
Presenter Justin Chaffin is research coordinator of Stone Laboratory and Ohio Sea Grant of The Ohio State University.
- February 23 – Phosphorus forms and Cycling in Agricultural Soils of Southern Saskatchewan
Presenter Barbara Cade-Menun is a research scientist, with Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Swift Current Research and Development Centre, Swift Current, SK, Canada.
- March 23 – Performance of In-field Practices at Reducing Dissolved and Particulate Phosphorus Loss
Presenter, Antonio Mallarino, professor of soil fertility and nutrient management, Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University, and nutrient management specialist, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.
- April 27 - Removing Dissolved Phosphorus from Flowing Water with P Removal Structures: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Presenter Chad Penn, soil chemist: USDA-Agricultural Research Service and Purdue University.
Sessions are free and open to the public, but participants are asked to register in advance. The presentations will be recorded and posted on INRC’s website with speakers’ permission.
Elings Hall is located on the west side of the Iowa State campus. Off-campus attendees are encouraged to park in the Memorial Union parking ramp, 2229 Lincoln Way, due to limited public parking near Elings Hall.
Find more details at the INRC website, including an INRC Spring 2022 Water Research Seminar Series flyer to post or share.
For questions, contact Malcolm Robertson, INRC program specialist,
The Iowa Nutrient Research Center was established by the Iowa Board of Regents in response to legislation passed by the Iowa Legislature in 2013. The center pursues science-based approaches to areas that include evaluating the performance of current and emerging nutrient management practices and providing recommendations on implementing the practices and developing new practices. Iowa State leads the partnership that includes the University of Iowa and the University of Northern Iowa. Since its inception, the center has supported more than 115 projects.