Highlights from a Decade of INRC Research & Impacts: Water Monitoring & Remote Sensing

Wednesday, October 12, 2022 - 3:10pm

The Iowa Nutrient Research Center is celebrating its 10th anniversary with a seminar series highlighting outcomes and impacts from a decade of research. The series starts Sept. 14, 2022, and continues through May 10, 2023. Two presenters each month will discuss INRC-supported projects.

Water monitoring and remote sensing will the focus of the October 12 presenters: 

  • Chris Jones, research engineer at the University of Iowa IIHR-Hydroscience and Engineering and the Iowa Flood Center
  • Brian Gelder, research manager for the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University

The hybrid sessions take place the second Wednesday of each month, from 3:10-4 p.m. Sessions are free and open to the public. Participants are asked to register in advance.

Each session will be recorded, with speakers’ permission, and posted on the INRC’s website. 

Participants will be eligible to receive one Certified Crop Adviser - Continuing Education Unit (CCA CEU) in the Soil & Water Management category, which is offered free of charge. Information on how to apply to receive the credit will be announced at the end of each seminar.  

The full list of sessions and presenters is available at INRC's website. Download an INRC Fall 2022-Spring 2023 Water Research Seminar Series Flyer to post or share.

For questions, contact Malcolm Robertson, INRC program specialist: malcolmr@iastate.edu