Conservation on Tap in Cumming

Thursday, November 9, 2023 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm

A Conservation on Tap event in Cumming, Iowa, Thursday, Nov. 9, from 6 to 7 p.m., will include conversation with Iowa Nutrient Research Center Director Matt Helmers, and Liz Ripley, Iowa Learning Farms conservation and cover crop outreach specialist, along with Tim Portzen and Mosa Shayan, from Middlebrook Farm, who will share comments on why water quality matters to their operation.

To ensure adequate space and food, RSVP by calling 515-294-5429 or email

Conservation on Tap events are free community-building events that connects producers, landowners and curious Iowans with conservation experts from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. The are hosted by Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and the Conservation Learning Group

More details are available at: Learning Farms to Host Conservation on Tap in Cumming | News (