College News
- Open forum with President Jischke Oct. 27
- Seminar on USDA competitive grants program
- More female undergrads in college
- Land manager named for Experiment Station
- World Food Prize awarded
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- Mouse squeezers
- Attitudes of college freshmen
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College News
Open Forum With President Jischke Oct. 27
College of Agriculture faculty and staff are invited to an open forum with President Martin Jischke at 11 a.m., Thursday, Oct. 27, in the CCUR Theatre, 1951 Food Sciences Building. President Jischke's visit to the college also includes meeting with ag administration, college cabinet, ag council executive committee, and faculty in agricultural economics and the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development.
Seminar on USDA Competitive Grants Program
At noon on Monday, Oct. 24, a seminar on submitting proposals to the USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program will be held in 133 Meat Lab. Susan Lamont, Experiment Station assistant director, will give an overview of the program and offer tips on proposal preparation. Bring a brown bag lunch; beverages and cookies provided. For more information: 294-3629 or 294-4544.
More Female Undergrads in College
Women now make up about 35 percent of the College of Agriculture's undergraduate enrollment, compared to 31 percent last year. The number of female undergraduates increased by 125 from last year (to 905), while male undergrads enrolled fell by 18 (to 2,594). The pre-veterinary program has the most women enrolled, 167. The department with the largest gain in women was animal science, with an additional 54 enrolled this fall.