FFA Week Highlights Iowa State Students

The 2013-14 Iowa FFA Association's student officers are all students in the College of Agriculture and LIfe Sciences at Iowa State University. The Collegiate FFA students sponsored a breakfast on Feb. 18 in Kildee Hall to celebrate National FFA week.

FFA state officers from left to right include: Lauren Weirup, junior in agricultural and life sciences education and Iowa FFA southeast vice-president; James Leonard, freshman in agricultural business and Iowa FFA vice-president; Brad Pickhinke, sophomore in agricultural biochemistry and Iowa FFA reporter; Logan Kelly, freshman in animal ecology and Iowa FFA southwest vice-president; Josh Earll, a sophomore in agricultural and life sciences education and Iowa FFA president; Trey Forsyth, a sophomore in agricultural business and Iowa FFA North Central State Vice-President; Tony Moellers, a freshman in agronomy and Iowa FFA northeast state vice-president; and Dylan Brockshus, freshman animal science and Iowa FFA northwest vice-president. Abrah Meyer, a freshman in agricultural business and Iowa FFA state secretary, is not pictured.